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Getting started with cmf-client commands

cmf init

Usage: cmf init [-h] {minioS3,amazonS3,local,sshremote,show}
cmf init initializes an artifact repository for cmf. Local directory, Minio S3 bucket, Amazon S3 bucket and SSH Remote directory are the options available. Additionally, user can provide cmf-server url.

cmf init show

Usage: cmf init show
cmf init show displays current cmf configuration.

cmf init minioS3

Usage: cmf init minioS3 [-h] --url [url] 
                             --endpoint-url [endpoint_url]
                             --access-key-id [access_key_id] 
                             --secret-key [secret_key] 
                             --cmf-server-url [cmf_server_url]
                             --neo4j-user [neo4j_user]
                             --neo4j-password [neo4j_password]
                             --neo4j-uri [neo4j_uri]
cmf init minioS3 configures Minio S3 bucket as a cmf artifact repository. Refer to set up a minio server.
cmf init minioS3 --url s3://bucket-name --endpoint-url http://localhost:9000 --access-key-id minioadmin --secret-key minioadmin --git-remote-url --cmf-server-url --neo4j-user neo4j --neo4j-password password --neo4j-uri bolt://localhost:7687
Required Arguments
  --url [url]                           Specify bucket url.
  --endpoint-url [endpoint_url]         Specify the endpoint url of minio UI.
  --access-key-id [access_key_id]       Specify Access Key Id.
  --secret-key [secret_key]             Specify Secret Key.
  --git-remote-url [git_remote_url]     Specify git repo url.
Optional Arguments
  -h, --help                          show this help message and exit
  --cmf-server-url [cmf_server_url]   Specify cmf-server url. (default:
  --neo4j-user [neo4j_user]           Specify neo4j user. (default: None)
  --neo4j-password [neo4j_password]   Specify neo4j password. (default: None)
  --neo4j-uri <neo4j_uri>             Specify neo4j uri. Eg bolt://localhost:7687 (default: None)

cmf init local

Usage: cmf init local [-h] --path [path] -
                           --git-remote-url [git_remote_url]
                           --cmf-server-url [cmf_server_url]
                           --neo4j-user [neo4j_user]
                           --neo4j-password [neo4j_password]
                           --neo4j-uri [neo4j_uri]
cmf init local initialises local directory as a cmf artifact repository.
cmf init local --path /home/user/local-storage --git-remote-url --cmf-server-url --neo4j-user neo4j --neo4j-password password --neo4j-uri bolt://localhost:7687
Required Arguments
  --path [path]                         Specify local directory path.
  --git-remote-url [git_remote_url]     Specify git repo url.
Optional Arguments
  -h, --help                          show this help message and exit
  --cmf-server-url [cmf_server_url]   Specify cmf-server url. (default:
  --neo4j-user [neo4j_user]           Specify neo4j user. (default: None)
  --neo4j-password [neo4j_password]   Specify neo4j password. (default: None)
  --neo4j-uri <neo4j_uri>             Specify neo4j uri. Eg bolt://localhost:7687 (default: None)

cmf init amazonS3

Usage: cmf init amazonS3 [-h] --url [url] 
                              --access-key-id [access_key_id]
                              --secret-key [secret_key] 
                              --git-remote-url [git_remote_url] 
                              --cmf-server-url [cmf_server_url]
                              --neo4j-user [neo4j_user]
                              --neo4j-password neo4j_password]
                              --neo4j-uri [neo4j_uri]
cmf init amazonS3 initialises Amazon S3 bucket as a CMF artifact repository.
cmf init amazonS3 --url s3://bucket-name --access-key-id XXXXXXXXXXXXX --secret-key XXXXXXXXXXXXX --git-remote-url --cmf-server-url --neo4j-user neo4j --neo4j-password password --neo4j-uri bolt://localhost:7687 

Required Arguments

  --url [url]                           Specify bucket url.
  --access-key-id [access_key_id]       Specify Access Key Id.
  --secret-key [secret_key]             Specify Secret Key.
  --git-remote-url [git_remote_url]     Specify git repo url.
Optional Arguments
  -h, --help                          show this help message and exit
  --cmf-server-url [cmf_server_url]   Specify cmf-server url. (default:
  --neo4j-user [neo4j_user]           Specify neo4j user. (default: None)
  --neo4j-password [neo4j_password]   Specify neo4j password. (default: None)
  --neo4j-uri <neo4j_uri>             Specify neo4j uri. Eg bolt://localhost:7687 (default: None)

cmf init sshremote

Usage: cmf init sshremote [-h] --path [path] 
                               --user [user] --port [port]
                               --password [password]  
                               --git-remote-url [git_remote_url] 
                               --cmf-server-url [cmf_server_url]
                               --neo4j-user [neo4j_user]
                               --neo4j-password neo4j_password]
                               --neo4j-uri [neo4j_uri]
cmf init sshremote command initialises remote ssh directory as a cmf artifact repository.
cmf init sshremote --path ssh:// --user XXXXX --port 22 --password example@123 --git-remote-url --cmf-server-url --neo4j-user neo4j --neo4j-password password --neo4j-uri bolt://localhost:7687
Required Arguments
  --path [path]                           Specify ssh directory path.
  --user [user]                           Specify user.
  --port [port]                           Specify Port.
  --password [password]                   Specify password.
  --git-remote-url [git_remote_url]       Specify git repo url.
Optional Arguments
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --cmf-server-url [cmf_server_url]   Specify cmf-server url. (default:
  --neo4j-user [neo4j_user]           Specify neo4j user. (default: None)
  --neo4j-password [neo4j_password]   Specify neo4j password. (default: None)
  --neo4j-uri <neo4j_uri>             Specify neo4j uri. Eg bolt://localhost:7687 (default: None)

cmf artifact

Usage: cmf artifact [-h] {pull,push}
cmf artifact pull or push artifacts from or to the user configured artifact repository, respectively.

cmf artifact pull

Usage: cmf artifact pull [-h] -p [pipeline_name] -f [file_name] [-a <artifact_name>]
cmf artifact pull command pull artifacts from the user configured repository to the user's local machine.
cmf artifact pull -p 'Test-env' 
Required Arguments
  -p [pipeline_name], --pipeline-name [pipeline_name]   Specify Pipeline name.
Optional Arguments
  -h, --help                                            show this help message and exit
  -a <artifact_name>, --artifact_name <artifact_name>   Specify artifact name.
  -f [file_name],--file-name [file_name]                Specify mlmd file name.

cmf artifact push

Usage: cmf artifact push [-h] -p [pipeline_name] -f [file_name]
cmf artifact push command push artifacts from the user's local machine to the user configured artifact repository.
cmf artifact push  

cmf metadata

Usage: cmf metadata [-h] {pull,push}
cmf metadata push or pull the metadata file to and from the cmf-server, respectively.

cmf metadata pull

Usage: cmf metadata pull [-h] -p [pipeline_name] -f [file_name]  -e [exec_id]
cmf metadata pull command pulls the metadata file from the cmf-server to the user's local machine.
cmf metadata pull -p 'Test-env' -f "/home/user/example/name_of_file"
Required Arguments
  -p [pipeline_name], --pipeline_name [pipeline_name]     Specify Pipeline name.
Optional Arguments
-h, --help                                  show this help message and exit
-e [exec_id], --execution [exec_name]       Specify execution id
-f [file_name], --file_name [file_name]     Specify mlmd file name with full path(either relative or absolute).

cmf metadata push

Usage: cmf metadata push [-h] -p [pipeline_name] -f [file_name]  -e [exec_id]
cmf metadata push command pushes the metadata file from the local machine to the cmf-server.
cmf metadata push -p 'Test-env' -f "/home/user/example/name_of_file"
Required Arguments
-p [pipeline_name], --pipeline_name [pipeline_name]     Specify Pipeline name.

Optional Arguments

  -h, --help                                    show this help message and exit
  -f [file_name], --file_name [file_name]       Specify mlmd file name.
  -e [exec_name], --execution [exec_name]       Specify execution id.