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Getting started with cmf

Common metadata framework (cmf) has the following components:

  • Metadata Library exposes API’s to track the pipeline metadata. It also provides API’s to query the stored metadata.
  • cmf-client interacts with the server to pull or push metadata from or to the cmf-server.
  • cmf-server interacts with all the remote clients and is responsible to merge the metadata transferred by the cmf-client and manage the consolidated metadata.
  • Central Artifact Repositories hosts the code and data.

Setup a cmf-client

cmf-client is a tool that facilitates metadata collaboration between different teams or two team members. It allows users to pull or push metadata from or to the cmf-server.

Follow the below-mentioned steps for the end-to-end setup of cmf-client:-


  • Python 3.8+
  • Git latest version

Install cmf library i.e. cmflib

pip install git+
pip install cmflib
Check here for more details.

Install cmf-server

cmf-server is a key interface for the user to explore and track their ML training runs. It allows users to store the metadata file on the cmf-server. The user can retrieve the saved metadata file and can view the content of the saved metadata file using the UI provided by the cmf-server.

Follow here for details on how to setup a cmf-server.

How to effectively use cmf-client?

Let's assume we are tracking the metadata for a pipeline named Test-env with minio S3 bucket as the artifact repository and a cmf-server.

Create a folder

mkdir example-folder

Initialize cmf

CMF initialization is the first and foremost to use cmf-client commads. This command in one go complete initialization process making cmf-client user friendly. Execute cmf init in the example-folder directory created in the above step.

cmf init minioS3 --url s3://bucket-name --endpoint-url http://localhost:9000 --access-key-id minioadmin --secret-key minioadmin --git-remote-url --cmf-server-ip http://x.x.x.x:8080  --neo4j-user neo4j --neo4j-password password --neo4j-uri bolt://X.X.X.X:7687
Check here for more details.

Check status of CMF initialization (Optional)

cmf init show
Check here for more details.

Track metadata using cmflib

Use Sample projects as a reference to create a new project to track metadata for ML pipelines.

More info is available here.

Push artifacts

Push artifacts in the artifact repo initialised in the Initialize cmf step.

cmf artifact push 
Check here for more details.

Push metadata to cmf-server

cmf metadata push -p 'Test-env'
Check here for more details.

cmf-client with collaborative development

In the case of collaborative development, in addition to the above commands, users can follow the commands below to pull metadata and artifacts from a common cmf server and a central artifact repository.

Pull metadata from the server

Execute cmf metadata command in the example_folder.

cmf metadata pull -p 'Test-env'
Check here for more details.

Pull artifacts from the central artifact repo

Execute cmf artifact command in the example_folder.

cmf artifact pull -p "Test-env"
Check here for more details.

Flow Chart for cmf

Flow chart for cmf