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Getting Started

This example depends on the following packages: git. We also recommend installing anaconda to manage python virtual environments. This example was tested in the following environments:

  • Ubuntu-22.04 with python-3.8.15

This example demonstrates how CMF tracks a metadata associated with executions of various machine learning (ML) pipelines. ML pipelines differ from other pipelines (e.g., data Extract-Transform-Load pipelines) by the presence of ML steps, such as training and testing ML models. More comprehensive ML pipelines may include steps such as deploying a trained model and tracking its inference parameters (such as response latency, memory consumption etc.). This example, located here implements a simple pipeline consisting of four steps:

  • The parse step splits the raw data into train and test raw datasets for training and testing a machine learning model. This step registers one input artifact (raw dataset) and two output artifacts (train and test datasets).
  • The featurize step creates two machine learning splits - train and test splits - that will be used by an ML training algorithm to train ML models. This step registers two input artifacts (raw train and test datasets) and two output artifacts ( train and test ML datasets).
  • The next train step trains an ML model (random forest classifier). It registers one input artifact (train ML dataset) and one output artifact (trained ML model).
  • The fourth test step tests the ML model trained in the third train step. This step registers two input artifacts (ML model and test dataset) and one output artifact (performance metrics).
  • The last query step is a demonstration that shows how pipeline metadata can be retrieved from CMF. It will print metadata associated with all executions of the above steps. This means that if you rerun the pipeline again, the output will include not only metadata associated with the last run, but also metadata associated with all previous runs.


We start by creating (1) a workspace directory that will contain all files for this example and (2) a python virtual environment. Then we will clone the CMF project that contains this example project.

# Create workspace directory
mkdir cmf_getting_started_example
cd cmf_getting_started_example

# Create and activate Python virtual environment (the Python version may need to be adjusted depending on your system)
conda create -n cmf_getting_started_example python=3.8 
conda activate cmf_getting_started_example

# Clone the CMF project from GitHub and install CMF
git clone
pip install ./cmf

Setup a cmf-server

cmf-server is a key interface for the user to explore and track their ML training runs. It allows users to store the metadata file on the cmf-server. The user can retrieve the saved metadata file and can view the content of the saved metadata file using the UI provided by the cmf-server.

Follow here to setup a common cmf-server.

Project initialization

We need to copy the source tree of the example in its own directory (that must be outside the CMF source tree), and using cmf init command initialize dvc remote directory, git remote url, cmf server and neo4j with appropriate dvc backend for this project .

# Create a separate copy of the example project
cp -r ./cmf/examples/example-get-started/ ./example-get-started
cd ./example-get-started

cmf init

Usage: cmf init minioS3 [-h] --url [url] 
                             --endpoint-url [endpoint_url]
                             --access-key-id [access_key_id] 
                             --secret-key [secret_key] 
                             --cmf-server-url [cmf_server_url]
                             --neo4j-user [neo4j_user]
                             --neo4j-password [neo4j_password]
                             --neo4j-uri [neo4j_uri]

cmf init minioS3 --url s3://bucket-name --endpoint-url http://localhost:9000 --access-key-id minioadmin --secret-key minioadmin --git-remote-url --cmf-server-url --neo4j-user neo4j --neo4j-password password --neo4j-uri bolt://localhost:7687
Follow here for more details.

Project execution

To execute the example pipeline, run the file (before that, study the contents of that file). Basically, that script will run a sequence of steps common for a typical machine learning project - getting raw data, converting it into machine learning train/test splits, training and testing a model. The execution of these steps (and parent pipeline) will be recorded by the CMF.

# Run the example pipeline
sh ./

This script will run the pipeline and will store its metadata in a sqlite file named mlmd. Verify that all stages are done using git log command. You should see commits corresponding to the artifacts that were created.

Under normal conditions, the next steps would be to: (1) execute the cmf artifact push command to push the artifacts to the central artifact repository and (2) execute the cmf metadata push command to track the metadata of the generated artifacts on a common cmf server.

Follow here for more details on cmf artifact and cmf metadata commands.


The stored metadata can be explored using the query layer. Example Jupyter notebook Query_Tester-base_mlmd.ipynb can be found in this directory.

Clean Up

Metadata is stored in sqlite file named "mlmd". To clean up, delete the "mlmd" file.

Steps to test dataslice

Run the following command: python