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MinIO S3 Artifact Repo Setup

Steps to set up a MinIO server

Object storage is an abstraction layer above the file system and helps to work with data using API. MinIO is the fastest way to start working with object storage. It is compatible with S3, easy to deploy, manage locally, and upscale if needed.

Follow the below mentioned steps to set up a MinIO server:

  1. Copy contents of the example-get-started directory to a separate directory outside the cmf repository.

  2. Check whether cmf is initialized.

    cmf init show
    If cmf is not initialized, the following message will appear on the screen.
    'cmf' is not configured.
    Execute the 'cmf init' command.

  3. Execute the following command to initialize the MinIO S3 bucket as a CMF artifact repository.

    cmf init minioS3 --url s3://bucket-name --endpoint-url http://localhost:9000 --access-key-id minioadmin --secret-key   minioadmin --git-remote-url

  4. Execute cmf init show to check the CMF configuration. The sample output looks as follows:


  5. Build a MinIO server using a Docker container. docker-compose.yml available in example-get-started directory provides two services: minio and aws-cli. User will initialise the repository with bucket name, storage URL, and credentials to access MinIO.

  6. Execute the following command to start the docker container. MYIP variable is the IP address of the machine on which you are executing the following command. Following command requires root privileges.
    MYIP= XX.XX.XXX.XXX docker-compose up
    MYIP= XX.XX.XXX.XXX docker compose up
    After executing the above command, following messages confirm that MinIO is up and running.

    Also you can adjust $MYIP in examples/example-get-started/docker-compose.yml to reflect the server IP and run the docker compose command without specifying

  7. Login into remote.minio.endpointurl (in the above example - http://localhost:9000) using access-key and secret-key mentioned in cmf configuration.

  8. Following image is an example snapshot of the MinIO server with bucket named 'dvc-art'.
